Форум по драйверам

среда, 17 февраля 2010 г.

ATI Catalyst™ version 10.2

ATI Catalyst™ version 10.2

Драйвер ATI Catalyst 10.2, который теперь доступен для скачивания привносит ряд улучшений для технологии ATI CrossFire. В попытке обеспечить лучшую
поддержку CrossFire для новых игр, AMD извлекла профили CrossFire из 3D
драйвера Catalyst и переместила их в отдельный файл, который теперь будет
регулярно обновляться с помощью отдельного обновления. Графический гигант
удалил код для нескольких GPU из 3D-драйвера в пользу нового многочипового драйвера, что открыло путь для улучшения взаимодействия между IGP и графическими процессорами видеокарт в будущих продуктах. Поддержка CrossFire включена для конфигураций ATI Eyefinity, и владельцы систем с несколькими GPU, обеспокоенные энергопотреблением, могут также рассчитываем на "Ultra Low Power State", которое снижает напряжение и тактовую частоту второго графического процессора, когда он не используется.

Заглядывая вперёд, AMD также опубликовала целый ряд новых функций, которые планируется сделать частью ATI Catalyst 10.3. Мартовский выпуск будет первым ежемесячным выпуском нового ATI Catalyst Mobility и принесёт с собой волну улучшений для ATI Eyefinity, в том числе мастера, который даст
пользователям возможность удалить пиксели, занятые кромкой экрана, а также позволит настроить цвета, яркость и контрастность для каждого отдельного дисплея в конфигурации Eyefinity. Основные улучшения в ATI Catalyst 10.2:

* Профили ATI CrossFireX: обеспечение лучшей производительности CrossFireX.
* Изменение архитектуры ATI CrossFireX: обеспечение более удобных

строительных блоков на будущее.
* Ultra Low Power State: экономия питания, когда игра не запущена.
* ATI CrossfireX для Eyefinity: теперь CrossFireX улучшает производительность

Eyefinity в играх.
* Звук DisplayPort: теперь звук может воспроизводиться непосредственно

монитором с DisplayPort и встроенными колонками.

ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 1
ATI Catalyst™ Software Suite
Version 10.2 Release Notes
This release note provides information on the latest posting of AMD’s industry leading
software suite, ATI Catalyst™. This particular software suite updates both the AMD
Display Driver, and the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center. This unified driver has been
further enhanced to provide the highest level of power, performance, and reliability. The
ATI Catalyst™ software suite is the ultimate in performance and stability.
For exclusive ATI Catalyst™ updates follow CatalystMaker on Twitter.
This release note provides information on the following:
Web Content
AMD Product Support
Operating Systems Supported
New Features
Performance Improvements
Resolved Issues for All Windows Operating Systems
Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System
Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System
Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System
Known Issues Under All Windows Operating Systems
Known Issues Under the Windows 7 Operating System
Known Issues Under the Windows Vista Operating System
Known Issues Under the Windows XP Operating System
Installing the ATI Catalyst™ Vista Software Driver
ATI Catalyst™ Crew Driver Feedback
ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 2
Web Content
The Catalyst™ Software Suite 10.2 contains the following:
ATI Radeon™ display driver 8.702
HydraVision™ for both Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7
WDM Driver Install Bundle
Southbridge/IXP Driver
ATI Catalyst™ Control Center Version 8.702
Caution: The ATI Catalyst™ software driver and the ATI Catalyst™
Control Center can be downloaded independently of each other.
However, for maximum stability and performance AMD
recommends that both components be updated from the same ATI
Catalyst™ release.
Caution: The ATI Catalyst™ Control Center requires that the
Microsoft .NET Framework SP1 be installed. Without .NET SP1
installed, the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center will not launch properly
and the user will see an error message.
Note: These release notes provide information on the ATI Radeon™
display driver only. For information on the ATI Multimedia
Center™, HydraVision™, HydraVision Basic Edition, WDM,
Remote Wonder™, or the Southbridge/IXP driver, please refer to
their respective release notes found at: http://support.amd.com/.
Note: Although listed in the documentation,
ADL_Adapter_ClockInfo_Get is not available in the current version
of the ADL. The code for obtaining the clock information was
excluded due to inaccurate information being reported when the card
is over-clocked. Future updates of ADL SDK will reflect this change.
As an alternative, ADL_Overdrive5_ODParameters_Get() can be
used but this API is only supported on R600 and above ASICs.
Note: ATI Eyefinity technology gives gamers access to incredibly
high display resolutions. As pixel count grows, the graphics
horsepower required to drive the displays at a reasonable frame rate
can increase dramatically. Depending on the game and system
configuration, users may notice texture corruption and reduced frame
rates when running games in multi-monitor Eyefinity modes.
ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 3
Note: The Drag and Drop Transcoding feature is a beta level feature
provided only for evaluation purposes. The Drag and Drop
Transcoding feature is only supported on single and dual core CPUs,
and supported on devices that support Media Transfer Protocol
AMD Product Support
The ATI Catalyst™ driver supports the following ATI Radeon™ products.
AMD Desktop Product Family Support
AMD Desktop Product Family Support
ATI Radeon™ HD 5900 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 4670 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 4650 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 4600 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 5600 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 4550 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 5500 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 4350 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 5400 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 3800 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 4890 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 3600 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 4870 X2 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 3400 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 4850 X2 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 2900 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 2600 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 4700 Series ATI Radeon™ HD 2400 Series
AMD Multimedia Family Product Support
AMD Multimedia Family Product Support
ATI All-in-Wonder™ HD ATI Theater™ 650
ATI Theater™ HD 750 ATI Theater™ 600
Note: The ATI Catalyst™ driver includes TV/Capture driver support
for many ATI Theater 600 and ATI Theater 650 products under
Windows 7 (in addition to ATI Theater HD 750). Windows 7
TV/Capture functionality is currently NOT supported by ATI
Catalyst™ for the following products only: ATI All-in-Wonder HD,
ATI TV Wonder 650 Combo USB, and ATI TV Wonder 600 USB.
AMD FireStream™ Product Family Support
AMD FireStream™ Product Support
AMD FireStream™ 9270 AMD FireStream™ 9170
ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 4
AMD FireStream™ 9250
AMD Chipset Product Support
AMD Chipset Product Support
ATI Radeon™ HD 4200 Series ATI Radeon™ 3100 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 3300 Series ATI Radeon™ 3000 Series
ATI Radeon™ HD 3200 Series
Operating Systems Supported
The latest version of the ATI Catalyst™ software suite is designed to support the
following Microsoft Windows platforms:
Windows 7 32-bit version
Windows 7 64-bit version
Windows Vista 32-bit version
Windows Vista 64-bit version
Windows XP Professional
Windows XP Home Edition
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition
Note: When installing the ATI Catalyst™ driver for Windows, the
user must be logged on as Administrator or have Administrator rights
in order to successfully complete the installation of the ATI
Catalyst™ driver.
New Features
This section provides information on new features found in this release of the ATI
Radeon™ Display Driver. These include the following:
ATI Catalyst™ application profiles for ATI CrossFireX™ supported configurations
ATI Catalyst™ support for PowerPlay™ on ATI CrossFireX™ technology supported
ATI Catalyst™ support for DisplayPort audio
Support for ATI CrossFireX™ on Eyefinity configurations
ATI Catalyst™ application profiles for ATI CrossFireX™
supported configurations
This release of ATI Catalyst™ delivers support for the latest ATI CrossFireX™ profiles
in a separate executable file, ensuring users have access to the absolute latest set of
profiles installed on their PC.
ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 5
The ATI Catalyst™ 10.2 package includes the fully qualified ATI Catalyst™ 10.2
application profile list (which includes all ATI CrossFireX profiles) and is installed
by default
The latest application profile list is posted on amd.com in a separate .exe file that
users can install to get the absolute latest application profiles (that have not yet been
added to the official ATI Catalyst™ release)
ATI Catalyst™ support for PowerPlay™ on ATI CrossFireX™
technology supported configurations
Significant power saving benefits for users with ATI Radeon™ HD 5900 Series, ATI
Radeon™ HD 5800 Series, and ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 Series setup in ATI
CrossFireX™ configurations.
Automatically enabled in the ATI Catalyst™ driver for Windows® 7 and Windows
Sets secondary GPU(s) engine and memory clocks to low levels and reduces voltage
when the GPU(s) are not in use
ATI Catalyst™ support for DisplayPort audio
This release of ATI Catalyst™ provides support for DisplayPort audio for DisplayPort
Support for ATI CrossFireX™ on Eyefinity configurations
The ATI Catalyst™ 9.12 hotfix release provides ATI CrossFireX™ support on Eyefinity
configurations, allowing users to take advantage of their additional GPUs for increased
gaming performance when driving high resolution Eyefinity display groups.
Supported on the ATI Radeon™ HD 5970 Series, ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 Series, ATI
Radeon™ HD 5700 Series, and ATI Radeon™ HD 5600 Series.
Performance Improvements
The following performance gains are noticed with this release of Catalyst™ 10.2:
DiRT 2 – Overall performance improves up to 8% on ATI Radeon™ HD 5970, ATI
Radeon™ HD 5800 series, and ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 series products
Battleforge – CrossFire ATI Radeon™ HD 5870 performance improves up to 6%
Unigine Heaven – DirectX 9 CrossFire performance has improved significantly on
ATI Radeon™ HD 5700 and ATI Radeon™ HD 5800 series products
The Chronicles of Riddick – Assault on Dark Athena – Overall performance on
ATI Radeon™ HD 5970 improves up to 4%
ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 6
Resolved Issues for All Windows Operating Systems
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™
Software Suite for Windows. These include:
Appropriate prompts will now pop up while creating Eyefinity group with DVI and
display port devices in extended mode
Creating an Eyefinity group on the non-primary display now functions properly
Catalyst Control Center now responds properly and selection buttons are available
when re-creating Eyefinity group
[Catalyst Control Center] Hotkeys for rotations no longer disappear after disabling
rotated Eyefinity mode
With active display in clone mode, creating an Eyefinity group now functions
properly and message prompting user to disable the extended desktop will now pop
System will no longer freeze while accessing the UVD Decoder
Intermittent grey screen or vertical line corruption may randomly appear on the
Resolved Issues for the Windows 7 Operating System
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™
Software Suite for Windows 7. These include:
Flickering grass and white borders are no longer visible in Unigine "Heaven"
benchmark in DirectX 9 mode
Performance drop no longer visible on "Resident Evil 5" cinematics scenes
Corruption no longer visible when viewing Unigine "Tropics" demo
[Win7 32-bit] Cyberlink PowerDVD 9 now functions properly while dragged back
and forth between the extended split display
During HD playback, unplugging and hotplugging back the display connector no
longer causes player to freeze and display incompatible graphics driver error message
Performing rotation or resolution changes no longer causes the player to stop
responding during H.264 HD content playback
Pixelation in distant background lights no longer visible in "The Saboteur" game
Enabling Catalyst A.I. in Catalyst Control Center no longer causes severe flickering
in Ubisoft "R.U.S.E." beta game
Enabling split screen demo mode now functions properly on WinDVD during Bluray
content playback
Corruption in specific chapters are no longer visible during "Resident Evil 5"
System no longer fails and screen distortion no longer visible during Blu-ray content
playback with 1680x1050 resolution
Corruption no longer visible in "Resident Evil 5" during in game cut scenes with
specific settings and HDR value set to high
Fixed various identified memory leaks in CAL runtime
Exiting "The Saboteur" game no longer causes the mouse cursor to freeze and the
game to become unresponsive
120 Hz support is now available for all resolutions
ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 7
HDTV optimized modes will now appear under the desktop area tree view without a
custom mode added first
Resuming video playback after sleep/hibernation no longer causes black checkered
video corruption or the system to stop responding
Display will now enter power save mode properly
Resolved Issues for the Windows Vista Operating System
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™
Software Suite for Windows Vista. These include:
SiSoftware Sandra 2010 STREAM benchmarks will now complete properly
Resuming DVD or Blu-ray playback after sleep or hibernation no longer causes
system to stop responding
Desktop no longer flickers during fullscreen Blu-ray playback with dual-link display
on some ASICs
HDTV custom modes being added are now listed under the Desktop Area of the
Display Desktop Properties in Catalyst Control Center
Resume playback after sleep or hibernation no longer causes green block corruption
on video
Viewing 1080p videos with Adobe FlashPlayer no longer causes display driver to
TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery)
Catalyst installation log no longer report properly installed HDMI audio drivers as
failed to install
Resolved Issues for the Windows XP Operating System
This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI Catalyst™
Software Suite for Windows XP. These include:
Changes to the AVIVO™ gamma settings during Blu-ray HD playback are now
retained after closing and restarting player
Flickering and corruption no longer observed while playing "Wolfenstein
Multiplayer" at high settings
Resume playback after standby or hibernation no longer causes PowerDVD 9 to
freeze or exit abruptly
Known Issues Under All Windows Operating Systems
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced

the Windows operating system in the latest version of Catalyst™. These include:
Re-enabling rotation hotkeys after disabling and rebooting system may cause a
warning message to pop up
[Catalyst Control Center] Changing to deinterlace mode may default to adaptive
deinterlace mode instead when playing videos
Canvas area may appaer black for third display while creating a 3x1 or 1x3
Eyefinitey group
ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 8
Hotplugging a HDMI display while Catalyst Control Center is open may cause the
HDTV Standard Modes box not to appear
Desktop mouse cursor may intermittently appear enlarged
Known Issues Under the Windows 7 Operating System
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced

the Windows 7 operating system in the latest version of Catalyst™. These include:
Line corruption may be visible when mouse curse is moved to the left-top border of
window display on UMA platforms
Saturation value for a hotplugged digital display may intermittently be set to '0' by
default instead of '100'
Flashing might be visible in "Shattered Horizon" game with CrossFire enabled on
some ASICs
Dynamic contrast may stop functioning when detail enhancement is enabled
Catalyst Control Center system tray may show incorrect number of physical adapters
for some ASICs
[Catalyst Control Center] Advanced options may become disabled after connecting
second display in clone mode on some ASICs
Black video may appear on one monitor when switching to clone mode during Bluray
playback on PowerDVD
Green video may be visible in the beginning during AVCHD content playback with
PowerDVD 9
Setting the resolution lower than 1920x1080 may cause a black bar to flash at the
bottom of the PowerDVD viewing screen during Blu-ray playback on some monitors
Forced anti-aliasing might not function properly in "The Saboteur" game
Refresh rate changes may revert back to 60 Hz (default) when "Enable GPU Scaling"
is enabled under Digital Panel Properties attributes
Media Center may display corruption when viewing DVB-T content
Blank screen may be observed when 8X anti-aliasing is applied in "The Chronicles of
Riddick 2" game
Known Issues Under the Windows Vista Operating System
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced

the Windows Vista operating system in the latest version of Catalyst™. These include:
Drop frames may be visible when viewing interlaced Blu-ray content on some ASICs
Random seeking while watching Blu-ray content on PowerDVD 9 may cause a black
line to appear
WinDVD 10 may stop responding when moved to an extended display in a

Minor frame drops might periodically occur while viewing H.264 interlaced Blu-ray
content during fast moving scenes
"1776x1000" and "1152 x 648" HDTV resolutions might be missing from the
Desktop Area for Catalyst Control Center - Desktop Properties
With one of displays connected via the DisplayPort, PowerDVD may terminate
during Blu-ray content playback in Eyefinity mode
ATI Catalyst™ Release Note Version 10.2 9
Black video may appear on one monitor when switching to clone mode during Bluray
playback on PowerDVD
Blank screen might be observed while exiting "Heaven-OGL" or "GL View"
applications; display can be resumed by pressing ALT+CTRL+DEL and clicking on
task manager
Laser designator beam might not focus on target properly in "Call of Duty: Modern
Warefare 2" during Act II: Exodus mission
Known Issues Under the Windows XP Operating System
The following section provides a summary of open issues that may be experienced

the Windows XP operating system in the latest version of Catalyst™. These include:
[Catalyst Control Center] De-noise/edge enhancement options might not be available
in AVIVO™ Video Advanced Quality page
Viewing some online clips with Adobe Flash Player 10.1 may cause the system to
stop responding or reboot for some ASICs
Hardware acceleration might become disabled after resuming from standby or
hibernation with PowerDVD SD/HD content playback in progress
[Catalyst Control Center] SmartGart™ aspect might be missing under Graphics
Switching resolution options in the "AION" game setting may cause the display
screen to flicker
Forward and backward seeking while viewing Hulu video on dailymotion.com with
FlashPlayer 10.1 may cause the browser to freeze
Installing the ATI Catalyst™ Vista Software Driver
For further information and general help on software driver installation, game issues, and
more, visit AMD Customer Care.
Installation information can be found at: How to Install Your ATI Product.
ATI Catalyst™ Crew Driver Feedback
This driver release incorporates suggestions received through the ATI Catalyst™ CREW
Driver Feedback program. To provide us with your feedback, visit ATI Catalyst™ Crew
Driver Feedback.

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